Piano Care Essentials...
Piano care is relatively simple. Following are the basics you need to know.
1. Protect the piano from sources of heat. This includes heat registers, sunlight, stoves, etc...
Remember that pianos are made of three primary materials -- wood, metal and glue. Wood and metal,
particularly, expand and contract in resp0nse to significant temperature changes. Glues are less of an
issue, but some, especially "hide" glue used in older pianos actually soften under high temperatures.

2. Avoid extreme humidity and dryness. Extreme humidity can cause a piano's action to perform
sluggishly as cloth bushings swell and bind against the metal pins against which they rub. Also,
condensation can cause strings and tuning pins to rust. Extreme dryness can cause wood to become
more brittle and lead to failing glue joints.

3. Keep the piano dusted with a lightly damp, soft cloth. Some finishes, especially high gloss finishes
can be scratched by dry cloths. If your grand's sound board needs cleaning, your technician has the
proper tools to clean under the strings. Dust and dirt can, eventually, become imprinted on a finish so
that it can not be cleaned by normal means. Periodic dusting helps prevent this. Be careful about using
furniture polishes. Avoid polishes that contain silicone. These can reek havoc during refinishing if this
is ever needed. By and large, you would do well to just stick to a lightly damp cloth.

4. Even if you don't play regularly, run up and down the keyboard periodically. Mechanisms work best
when they are exercised. And playing the piano discourages mice from making nests under the keys.

5. Have your piano tuned so you can enjoy it. Tuning helps you to get the most of your instrument's
potential. It also allows a good technician to advise you of potential problems before they become
serious. For most customers, annual tunings are adequate. More often may be warranted if the piano is
played regularly or seriously.

6. For more information, visit the link to the PTG (Piano Technicians Guild) website. In the middle of
the home page, click on " Piano Info & Resources ", then " Piano Care".